Stuart Hall's Representation Theory


Representation is basically a view on something portrayed by media which had no meaning before media creates a meaning for he event or topic ,  so much that society just believes that the medias view is only correct and any other view is wrong or doesn't make sense. So when other views that go against media representation , people are bashed or rejected from society all because they have a different view on things . One example that's is very relevant in society is feminism in men . In media men are showed as very strong and masculine but for other men that may not be the case . Famous sing Harry styles gets bashed by media because of this very reason , Harry posted a picture of him wearing a dress and media questioned about this choice of clothing . Lots of people did not except his clothing at all because he was 'dressing like a girl' and Harry believes clothes do not have a gender that they are specified to , you should be able to wear what you want and be comfortable without being judged in any way . 


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